Gran Telescopio de Canarias (Grantecan) has selected Datatronics, as an expert in time and frequency solutions, to expand its network of time servers, replacing the previous equipment that had become obsolete and outside the precision and reference requirements established for the telescope operation.
The two S600 devices with rubidium clock supplied can synchronize hundreds of thousands of NTP clients, as well as PTP for those applications that demand greater precision. All of this using Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, QZSS and SBAS constellations in addition to the GPS constellation. With more satellites in view, synchronization performance can be improved in limited coverage environments.
With this acquisition Grantecan updates the time and synchronization reference systems and services of the telescope as well as the rest of their infrastructures
The project consists of the supply, configuration and support of the S600 server at the Gran Telescopio de Canarias premises (La Palma island). The manufacturer is Microchip, a North American company and the world’s leading manufacturer of synchronization equipment, which has sold thousands of units of this equipment throughout the world.
GRANTECAN, S.A. is a public company founded in 1994 for the design and construction of the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC), located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, on the island of La Palma. In 2009, with the start of the scientific operation phase of the telescope, the company expanded its responsibilities to include the operation of the telescope and its development as a service to the broader scientific community.
Datatronics is a Telco integrator with more than 25 years of experience in the synchronization area, being the large Spanish company specialized in time and frequency solutions. This project has consolidated us as a main reference integrator for this type of technology.

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